Campo Sele Ti Alicante T8 Multitecnica (27-03-2016)
Catégorie: Allenamento
Carte/région: La Muela
Organisateur: Sele Ti/Sun-O
Pays: Spagna
Distance: 11.05 km
Temps: 91:18
HR moyen: 144
HR maximum: 163
In the first part the terrain was quite difficult for this kind of excercise beacause there was a lot of grass and bushes which did'nt allow to run easily staright, so you can see how I missed a lot of controls. The second part was instead very good.
Campo Sele Ti Alicante T8 Multitecnica (27-03-2016) Campo Sele Ti Alicante T8 Multitecnica (27-03-2016)