Campo Sele Ti Alicante T14 NightO masstart/intervall part1 (30-03-2016)
Catégorie: Allenamento
Carte/région: Guardamar Sur
Organisateur: Sele Ti/Sun-O
Pays: Spagna
Distance: 3.41 km
Temps: 30:55
HR moyen: 127
HR maximum: 168
Started in a group of 6 and the first at the control had to wait till all had found the control. Very high speed and at control 5 there was no strape so we started searching for it, than we started again near control 8 where tere was also no strape.
Campo Sele Ti Alicante T14 NightO masstart/intervall part1 (30-03-2016) Campo Sele Ti Alicante T14 NightO masstart/intervall part1 (30-03-2016)